Ongoing Series
Heroes and Heartbreakers
We scour the romance world to bring you the best. Discover. Share. OBSESS with us!
Castles and Guns
A group blog that celebrates the greatness of Fantasy. Nine regular contributors in various stages of their writing careers, all of whom write in the Paranormal Romance and/or Urban Fantasy genres. My blogs post every other Tuesday.
Plot Mamas
Authorhood…Motherhood…the adventures within…
Guest (One Off) Contributions
Using Podcasts to Grow Your Brand:
Danielle hosted a panel at the 2012 RT Booklovers Convention
Oh Get a Grip – Sexy Love:
Terminator as a sexy movie?
Meet the Parrots Podcast:
So, You want to be a Podcast Host . . . Download the Podcast here.
Guest blog for Paranormality
Find out why writing in the paranormal genre is simply in my blood!
Guest blog for Once Written, Twice Shy
Even those of us who are not natural extroverts can help with out local writing chapters …
Guest blog written for 1st Turning Point
So, you want to podcast. Do you really? Huh, do you?